...cashing in the Bill of Rights....
Can you guess which episode is up next on ABDWatch TV?
(hint for the faint of will: the episode title rhymes with "The Double with Dribbles"...)
So here's how it is: We watch a movie or TV show. We make a recording of our comments. You download it and listen along whilst watching the show. Maybe we can share a bit of knowledge or insight that will enhance your viewing experience, and it will all not have been for naught.
...cashing in the Bill of Rights....
Can you guess which episode is up next on ABDWatch TV?
(hint for the faint of will: the episode title rhymes with "The Double with Dribbles"...)
Okay okay, I get all that; but seriously, what have you done for me, yes me, lately? Those of us who crave ABD-TV have been left with that feeling one gets when one opens the refrigerator and sees one ketchup packet, some soy sauce, and a carrot. Yes Virginia, that feeling has a name--disappointment.
Disappointment you say to yourself ponderously, what disappointment could come from a full stock of OLD ABD-TV episodes upon which to gorge onesself? Well, boys, or dudes as some would say, I, yes I, will tell you.
The ever-popular game of "drop on titillating" (or DOT) cannot be played with OLD episodes. This game is one of skill and anticipation--when will the "T" word be surreptitiously slipped in? will it be slyly said more than once? who will say it this time? Old episodes breed familiarity--not exactly wanted in rousing game of DOT. Disappointment abounds.
The ABD-TV underground has informed that something big is in the offing. As inspiring, and mildly exciting, as that might be, us, yes us, your poor fans are left holding that last packet of ketchup. With the soy sauce having long disappeared (I blame grandma) and the carrot having dried up sporting a long fault-line down its mid-section, we treasure that lonely ketchup sachet with knowledge passed down by the old wives of Billund, Denmark.
We know that this beloved ketchup packet, too, will get old and the contents will be transformed into a quivering, gelatinous clump of redness that isn't much good for anything but flinging it at a younger sibling while yelling "bloody nose! bloody nose!" The fun only lasts so long.
So please dudes, take a couple hours, record a new episode. Do it not for yourselves, but for us--your treasured listenership. Thank you.
Areel Fan
Dear Mr./Ms. Fan (it's so hard to tell these days. Hmph!),
Relax. All is well with the world (as far as we can tell, but we haven't read the news in a while, so we could be completely doing the rose colored glasses thing, whatever that means). The titillation is over, though not the use of that word, because we love how trippingly it rolls off the tongue.
Uh, back to the point at hand...
We have, figuratively, been shopping. The fridge will soon be stocked with fine food and soothing libations. The ketchup will soon have company. Don't let that stop you from a playful fling every now and then at the treasured younger siblings. Hopefully grandma enjoyed the soy sauce. The old wives shall be repurposed. We do, however, lament the fate of the carrot.
Oh, and to quote the creator of the known universe's last message to his/her/its/their/ creation: "We apologize for the inconvenience."
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