Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Al Gore baby!

Now available on ABDWatch TV, iTunes, etc.....a third season charmer: Let that Be Your Last Battlefield. The Riddler, a trip to the Bubba Belt of the Galaxy, Star-Bellied Sneetches, ships so cloaked they are sub-stealth.

"I can see Charon from my house!...." "Maybe if we touch we'll both turn pink!" "Does this trouser bulge make me look studly?"

NEXT: Just in time for Election 2008: a recrudescent Cold War tale. Village People, Militia, a rising black visionary slapping sense into the sensible, and a crusty white haired leader who asks for more weapons. Coming soon from Al Bill and David Watch TV: A Private Little War

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What the f*** is going on here?

And who the f*** are you? And where are the f***ing posts and 'casts?

Anger been a problem recently? Just the remedy from ABD Watch TV: Be like Nomad. Come back fucked up and fired up to destroy. Singing? Who wants singing when we can have empty circuits? Try opening up these hailing frequencies, asshole. Stay tuned or get ready to get cashiered by Nomad. Don't try any of that Jackson Roykirk shit on him this time.