Welcome to Al, Bill and David's kitchen. Today's special: Lasagna. Lots of it. Fresh and piping hot! (Hah! Get it? Piping! Cuz the Horta cut all those tunnels that look like pipes! And then there's that plumber's nightmare, right? Plumbers work on pipes, sure, they sure do! And don't silicon-based life forms have pipes instead of... of... oooh. Sorry. Just a moment of weakness there.)
We must have all been pretty hungry this time around. Lasagna, breasts of succulence... What, did I say hungry? Maybe we had something else on our minds. Well, Al did, anyway. Must have been all the rounded bits of silicone hanging about. (And yah, the rest of the gang have tried repeatedly - well, once, anyway - to explain the difference between silicon and silicone to the dear boy, but to be perfectly honest, we prefer thinking about strategically placed bits of silicone surgical enhancements ourselves, and have come to the conclusion that Al may have the correct approach after all: It is in fact better to be happy rather than right.)
So the point of all this is that we finally have an episode to post. Again. Neat. You can download it by using the link on the right, or from the iTunes music store.
You have subscribed to us there, right Mom?Devil in the Dark can be picked up from Amazon.com here:
Star Trek: The Original Series Volume 13 - This Side Of Paradise/The Devil In The Dark(Excellent! Prepare for cheesy Utz-filled Podception: Two shining examples of Leonard Nimoy doing what he does best! It's almost too much of a good thing! Almost.)
Or of course, you can pick up the complete first season here:
Star Trek: The Original Series - The Complete First SeasonNext up: Back for some more cleav... uh, Firefly. Scary hair. Abusive descriptions. Splenetic bible study. Jaynestown.