So what is this all about? A little experiment among friends. We love science fiction. But not all science fiction. Just some science fiction. Most, though not all, is older science fiction (okay, lazy typer that I am, please allow me the use of SF in future use of the term), particularly movie and television stuff. We like to watch, have been doing just that for going on more than 3 but less than 5 decades (well over a century between the 3 of us), and we are really good at it. And we would like to share some of our insights with the general public. Sorry everyone.
We are rarely bored, but often boring. Sadly, we are often at our least bored when we are at our most boring. But maybe we can share a bit of knowledge or an opinion that will enhance your viewing experience of some show or movie, and it will all not have been for naught.
So here's how it is: We watch a movie or an episode of a show. We record a commentary to run along with your viewing of said movie or show. You download it. You listen along whilst watching the show. Sort of like a DVD commentary. Fox does this with the new Battlestar Galactica. So we won't (yet). But we will do others. This blog will serve as the show notes for the episodes.
You can subscribe to our show at the iTunes Music store or you can paste the following URL into your favorite Podcatching software:
We'll start off with something obscure, and move on to other things. Your DVD collection will end up growing, or at least put to fuller use, and hopefully you will be a better geek for it.
We'd love to entertain suggestions for shows of interest. Oh, sorry, that was a lie (though not a big one). We already have enough trouble coming to decisions about what we are going to do, and we feel we would be doing folks a disservice by talking about stuff we know nothing about. Lots of blank spots on the recording would ensue, and you don't need us for that, you can do it on your own. But we would appreciate some feedback. Especially the unpleasantly critical stuff, because we are masochists at heart.
First piece up for discussion is Episode 1 (of 6) of the Original Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, the television production put out by the BBC in 1981. We grew up loving this stuff; this, and even more so the books and radio series, really changed our perspectives on a lot of things and definitely colored our vocabularies. Trust us, that's a good thing.
You can find it at here:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (BBC TV - 1982)None of us had trouble finding a copy at our local video rental store, especially after the recent release of the (travesty of a (but just in certain members' opinions)) movie. So rent it, pop in disk one, go to the episode selection menu, and we'll see what you think.
By the way, this is our first attempt at a podcast, so please forgive us as it is really quite awful. But we'll get better, We promise.
Next up: Episode 2, or perhaps it might be time to dust off your copy of Star Trek: The Original Series...