Sunday, October 15, 2006

Trouble right here in....

Now available here and on iTunes: Out of Gas, the near-sacred cow of Firefly installments.

Speaking of things neither sacred nor bovine, David lets us in on his idealized recreation...

Up next, Wink of an Eye, From ST-TOS. In this fast-moving 3rd season romp, Kirk gets his boots off, gets his boots back on, and gets some captain stuff in..... or does some stuffin'..... or, well, maybe we should just quit while we're behind, as we are attempting, against all odds, to give at least the pretense of a sense of an impression that we are, after all, a family-friendly 'cast.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Have I got a surprise for you!

Ruk......oh Ruk honey.......I've got your favorite toy!

You can catch our review (along the usual load of blath...uh, we mean, of, er, insightful commentary. Yah. And ribald humor! Yes! There will be ribaldry. Oh, and dancing. Lots of dancing. But no singing this time. We mean it. Really. Sorry about last time.) of this spectacular piece of craftsmanship and precision work HERE.

What are big androids made of INDEED!

PS For those of you who do not subscribe to AB&D Watch TV Premium Service ($12.95 per cast) and are wondering where your ST V: The Final Frontier is, you will either have to pony up (see link to Paypal) or wait until the season dries up after Labor Day, at which point ST V will be released for regular subscribers. In the meanwhile, a free bootleg Spanish translation is available on Unitunivision.

Next up: More on the Cassidy Family.....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

No way.


Coming soon on ABD: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Paging Cliff Clavin!

ABD have descended into the depths of arcane headstool with their latest installment: Dagger of the Mind, from ST-TOS. Where everybody knows your name.

Available now on this site or over at iTunes (thanks for the huge royalty checks, Steve).

"... If memory serves, the umbilical cord is 90% potassium..."

Sunday, April 30, 2006

And just what did you have in mind for your statue?

After simultaneous month-long stretches in 3 of Central America's finest "rehab facilities", Al, Bill, & David are back with another Firefly episode, "Jaynestown". Much singing, some whoring, and a little philosophy. Now on iTUNES and this site. An artist, I tell you, an artist.

Next up: "Dagger of the Mind" from ST-TOS.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Star Trek - Iron Chef Edition! Oh, wait...

Welcome to Al, Bill and David's kitchen. Today's special: Lasagna. Lots of it. Fresh and piping hot! (Hah! Get it? Piping! Cuz the Horta cut all those tunnels that look like pipes! And then there's that plumber's nightmare, right? Plumbers work on pipes, sure, they sure do! And don't silicon-based life forms have pipes instead of... of... oooh. Sorry. Just a moment of weakness there.)

We must have all been pretty hungry this time around. Lasagna, breasts of succulence... What, did I say hungry? Maybe we had something else on our minds. Well, Al did, anyway. Must have been all the rounded bits of silicone hanging about. (And yah, the rest of the gang have tried repeatedly - well, once, anyway - to explain the difference between silicon and silicone to the dear boy, but to be perfectly honest, we prefer thinking about strategically placed bits of silicone surgical enhancements ourselves, and have come to the conclusion that Al may have the correct approach after all: It is in fact better to be happy rather than right.)

So the point of all this is that we finally have an episode to post. Again. Neat. You can download it by using the link on the right, or from the iTunes music store. You have subscribed to us there, right Mom?

Devil in the Dark can be picked up from here:

Star Trek: The Original Series Volume 13 - This Side Of Paradise/The Devil In The Dark

(Excellent! Prepare for cheesy Utz-filled Podception: Two shining examples of Leonard Nimoy doing what he does best! It's almost too much of a good thing! Almost.)

Or of course, you can pick up the complete first season here:

Star Trek: The Original Series - The Complete First Season

Next up: Back for some more cleav... uh, Firefly. Scary hair. Abusive descriptions. Splenetic bible study. Jaynestown.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Pod I

The pain! Cry for the children! Yes, in response to overwhelming demand from both non-related subscribers, THE DEVIL IN THE DARK. Get your hands off me you damned dirty carbon-based lifeform. Witness the finest Nimoy impersonation of Shatner ever recorded outside of an Ameritrade commercial. Be honest, did you cry? Did you feel that uncomfortable lump in your gullet the size of a tribble nut? Coming this week!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Dirty. I feel dirty.

Finally, all the finagling worked. I got Al and Bill to do a Firefly episode. One of the best, Shindig. How will I get Inara to listen? She seems so far away. She doesn't even know I am alive...........David
PS I am saving up to buy my own ship.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Dear Diary,

There is a bad man who sent me a picture of someone I never liked and now I like her less. Now I like him less. Please make him stop.


For those of you that can't resist, HHGG Episode 2 is now available on iTunes.

And for our next trick, either Spock's Brain or some show called Fire's Fly or something like that. Serene Valley?

Dear Zooey, behave or this will be your fate.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Good Things™ come to those who wait...

...or something. And what a wait it was. And for what? The five-baller. Just a few quick notes:

We had technical difficulties up the yinyang. I don't know what that means either, but it sure did keep us down for a month.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that Al was too drunk to turn on the TV, much less speak coherently about what he was watching. Uh, really. It was just some problem because he was using dial-up. And apparently he is sticking by that story.

Intel Macs rock. They just don't like Skype very much. Universal Binary, wherefore art thou?

All the technical problems led us to try something a little different: Separate recordings mixed later rather than one recording of all speakers at the same time. Does it sound any better? (What the heck is happening, supplying useful information rather than fluff! Bad writer, bad!) We wonder... If ones podcast and none listen, does it make a sound?

You can find the episode at your local video store, or order it from using this link:

Where No Man Has Gone Before/The Corbomite Maneuver

(Holy Testicle Tuesday! Where No Man Has Gone Before? That's, like, one of the best episodes in the universe! We gotta do that one soon!)

The claim that someone requested Spock's Brain is apparently not only correct, but also serious. In our opinion, seriously flawed, but then who are we to judge. We'll have to consult the cat.

You can find our podcast for the week at the iTunes Music Store, or download it directly here:

The Corbomite Maneuver (mp3)


Next up: We return to our origins. Episode 2 of the BBC TV production of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Five Baller is on the loose

What is that sound? The sound of things clicking?

...Live from Dissociative Studios, the next ST-TOS commentary: The Corbomite Maneuver. Nudity, drinking, manequins, degenerate child actors, mental instability....What more could you ask for from a 1966 TV show?

How did this man come to like bears?

Was it the tranya? Or the solitutude?

Uh, Mr. Bailey......Is that you in the bear suit?

Monday, February 27, 2006

Offical snack food and idealized position for "podception"

In order to maximize your receptive joy, ABDWTV have teamed up with several "joy" sponsors. First of all, the deluxe stirrups are available from most reputable medical supply houses....Speaking of finger lickin' good, what better way to seal the deal than a vacuum sealed tub of UTZ cheeze balls. "...If they ain't UTZ, they just ain't....."

Friday, February 24, 2006

Podding: all fun and games until someone.....

Lesson to all: never cast while using a nailgun. Bill, the inveterate tinkerer, couldn't keep from using his hands while his micromask was strapped on. He still can't explain why a 1967 Sunbeam Alpine needs a nailgun taken to its undercarriage from time to time (or how this ricocheted back into his gullet), but he is feeling much better now. A little hoarse, but fine. More pudding, Bill?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mating and the modern podder

Titillating thread title. Hard to say what it all means but think of it as a non-devotional MST 3000 with odd and useless facts. Next up: Corbomite Maneuver and Episode 2 of the 1981 BBC Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Yah, we know.

Sorry to have taken such a long time off. One of us was busy turning 40, and the rest of us were letting him make us enjoy it with him. And enjoy it we did. Outrageous musical performances. Donuts. BBQ. Engine grease. Blue Sun. Friends. Stuff like that. We'll be doing our episode really soon now. Like any second...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Man Trap - aka: She's not that hot.

And so we come to another show, and another Star Trek - The Original Series episode at that. The Man Trap was the first Star Trek episode ever aired. None of us saw that original airing. In fact, 33% of us weren't even born at the time. Didn't stop us from making up for lost time later on.

The recording should be a little bit better this time around than our first failed attempt at this (that we never posted for all the standard reasons, and that, as has been mentioned before, was due to an entirely avoidable set of circumstances that has yet to be fully understood), in that more than one of us was actually recorded. To be perfectly honest however, there is no guarantee that this is, in fact, an improvement.

And we have to apologize for all the long pauses. It has been a long time since we have seen this episode, decades for some, and it may in fact be that none of us have ever seen the unedited version. So we may be a little too busy watching the show and geeking out all over the place to actually get around to speaking. Cuz it's just that good a show. We think. Hope you agree.

Again, you can subscribe to our podcast at the iTunes Music Store, or you can download the commentary directly here:

The Man Trap (MP3)

If you can't find a copy of this episode at your local video store or library, you can pick up the individual episode along with The Naked Time at here:

Star Trek - The Original Series Vol. 3: The Man Trap/The Naked Time

or you can purchase the entire first season here:

Star Trek The Original Series - The Complete First Season

Looking forward to hearing your comments.


Oh, we forgot the most important thing, like, ever. If you are to come away from this with anything at all, we hope it will be a fuller appreciation of the vastly underestimated fact that sometimes, a sexy negligee just isn't enough.

Next up: The Corbomite Maneuver. Probably. (And yes, don't worry, we are still gonna do some Guide work. Really soon now. Yeah.)

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Naked Time - Our first Star Trek Commentary!

So we have decided to work in a little Star Trek The Original Series. This is probably what started it all for us. Or was it this Antiques Roadshow Find? (Albuquerque, 2002: $1,500-$2,000, including original box) This may be the most pathetic merchandising (until the recent Shatner Stone episode). The signed Bruce Hyde (Riley) did not make air during the Minneapolis 2004 roadshow ($2-$4).

If you haven't already done so, you can download the show by subscribing to our podcast at the iTunes Music Store. Alternatively, you can download this week's episode directly from this URL:

The Naked Time (MP3)

The original idea was to do all the episodes in the order in which they aired, but it was not to be. Our recording of that first episode, The Man Trap, was lost for all time, due to a random quantum fluctuation affecting the spacetime continuum localized around the computer doing the recording.

Yes, that was it. Eddies in the spacetime continuum. (Is he, is he.....?)

Okay, what really happened was that the dork responsible for recording the commentary did not know what he was doing, though he was operating under an entirely opposite and incorrect assumption. (And just for the record, it was not the dork with headphones tied to his face, nor the dork who came up with the idea for this whole endeavor in the first place, but an entirely different dork that was responsible for this poor state of affairs.)

But now, all is well and we have tried to do another episode entirely. We are starting with The Naked Time. Not to be confused with the seekers of the fully functional, as in the TNG "Naked Now". We like it a lot. We hope you will too. You can very likely find this episode at your local video store or even public library, and if not, you can pick it up from as one of 2 episodes (the second episode being, by a wildly spectacular and yet completely coincidental coincidence, The Man Trap) here:

Star Trek - The Original Series Vol. 3: The Man Trap/The Naked Time

or you can pick up the entire first season (which we will eventually be covering anyway) here:

Star Trek The Original Series - The Complete First Season

And don't worry. We haven't forgotten about the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. We will most definitely be commenting the rest of the episodes. But in the meantime, if you haven't read the book(s), you should. You just.....should. Totally worth your time. And rather than spoiling you for anything, reading the books will only make watching the show that much more fun. Again, you'll just have to trust us.

Keep Flying! (Yah, that's a hint.)


Next up: We revisit The Man Trap. Probably.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Episode One is up for grabs!

So it would seem that our first commentary is up and available for download: Episode one of the BBC Television production of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

You can get it by subscribing to our Podcast at iTunes Music Store, or you can download it directly at:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (BBC TV) Episode 1 (MP3)

Enjoy, and let us know what you think.


Next up will be: Star Trek The Original Series - The Naked Time

Welcome to our living room!

So what is this all about? A little experiment among friends. We love science fiction. But not all science fiction. Just some science fiction. Most, though not all, is older science fiction (okay, lazy typer that I am, please allow me the use of SF in future use of the term), particularly movie and television stuff. We like to watch, have been doing just that for going on more than 3 but less than 5 decades (well over a century between the 3 of us), and we are really good at it. And we would like to share some of our insights with the general public. Sorry everyone.

We are rarely bored, but often boring. Sadly, we are often at our least bored when we are at our most boring. But maybe we can share a bit of knowledge or an opinion that will enhance your viewing experience of some show or movie, and it will all not have been for naught.

So here's how it is: We watch a movie or an episode of a show. We record a commentary to run along with your viewing of said movie or show. You download it. You listen along whilst watching the show. Sort of like a DVD commentary. Fox does this with the new Battlestar Galactica. So we won't (yet). But we will do others. This blog will serve as the show notes for the episodes.

You can subscribe to our show at the iTunes Music store or you can paste the following URL into your favorite Podcatching software:

We'll start off with something obscure, and move on to other things. Your DVD collection will end up growing, or at least put to fuller use, and hopefully you will be a better geek for it.

We'd love to entertain suggestions for shows of interest. Oh, sorry, that was a lie (though not a big one). We already have enough trouble coming to decisions about what we are going to do, and we feel we would be doing folks a disservice by talking about stuff we know nothing about. Lots of blank spots on the recording would ensue, and you don't need us for that, you can do it on your own. But we would appreciate some feedback. Especially the unpleasantly critical stuff, because we are masochists at heart.

First piece up for discussion is Episode 1 (of 6) of the Original Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, the television production put out by the BBC in 1981. We grew up loving this stuff; this, and even more so the books and radio series, really changed our perspectives on a lot of things and definitely colored our vocabularies. Trust us, that's a good thing.

You can find it at here:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (BBC TV - 1982)

None of us had trouble finding a copy at our local video rental store, especially after the recent release of the (travesty of a (but just in certain members' opinions)) movie. So rent it, pop in disk one, go to the episode selection menu, and we'll see what you think.

By the way, this is our first attempt at a podcast, so please forgive us as it is really quite awful. But we'll get better, We promise.

Next up: Episode 2, or perhaps it might be time to dust off your copy of Star Trek: The Original Series...